
Dear Friends
How are you?
Where I am it’s very hectic and very, very busy!! I’m back to my full schedule!
I’m finally back at school! This year I started high school even though I’m only year 7. It’s been two weeks and I’m getting to know my way round the place even though it’s pretty large. My fav thing about Seaford 6-12 is that the kids have access to the public library during lunchtimes! It’s awesome!
The school is set up into buildings called subschools which are mini schools inside the big school there are four named Boon Boona, Tigress, Tingara and Nashwauk. My subschool is Tingara and Felise is with me!
In your subschools you have different teachers, kids, assignments and things like that.
When you’re in 7,8 and 9 you stay in those areas and when you get to 10, 11, 12 and 13 (if you do year 13 that is) you move to the senior school, which is in a different part of the property.
And since school’s started good ol' netball’s began. So I train every Tuesday (unless I have homework or Mum can’t go or something like that) and then play netball every Friday at the Leisure Centre.
And Guides has started as well so that’s Monday nights down at Moana!
And since its still Summer Surf Lifesaving is still going! So there’s Tuesday at the pool for swim training, Thursday’s at the beach for board training, Saturday’s down at Southport for general training and Marchpast and Sunday’s for carnivals were ever they are! Pretty busy
But that’s only until 17th and 18th of March because that’s when the State Titles are and after that all but Pool Training stops until October when the new season starts!
What’d you do these hols?
For Christmas We stayed home and Gran and Grandpa came and visited us. Then on the 27th we went back to Gran and Grandpa’s place with them because Gillian, Mark and Milly were flying over from Holland and with Megan and I we all couldn’t fit in one car with Mum and Dad as well!
As I mentioned my aunt Gillian, my uncle Mark and my I year old cousin Milly flew over from Holland on the 1st of January and then they drove up to Robe on the 2nd because Gillian and Mark had rented a house there so people could come and visit them and Mum, Dad, Megan, Gillian, Mark, Milly and I were staying and Gran and Grandpa were staying in the caravan park nearby.
We were in Robe from 2nd top the 7th (Mum, Dad, Megan and I went back earlier, Gillian, Mark and Milly were there until the 9th but Megan needed to come back for Vacswim), and during that time we had three birthdays and one Wedding anniversary!!!!
The first birthday was Milly’s first on the 3rd. We had a family come over and we also had a second Christmas so Gillian, Mark and Milly could get all their gifts!!
Also that night did a great job of spraining her ankle while riding a billy cart. Her foot got twisted in the bit of wood and she twisted it.
The next was Mum’s on the 4th and she and Dad went out to tea that night for Mum’s present!! (well she definitely deserved it after looking after Megan for most of her birthday!!!
The last birthday was Gillian’s 40th on the 6th and we had a huge barbecue with lots of friends and family. Half of them I didn’t know but I had lots of fun because there were lots of kids my age or close Megan and I to muck around with.
Then on the 7th we went home but the wedding anniversary was Gran and Grandpa’s, which was on the 9th!!
Then on the 10th Gillian, Mark and Milly came down before Mark left for Holland on the 13th.
Gillian and Milly stayed with us until the 16th before going back to Gran and Grandpa’s place.
By the time all that had finished Surf Lifesaving had started. We had about a month long break during December and January this year because the state titles are a later.
On Australia Day every year there’s an event called the Nipperthon, which is a 400m swim, 600m board and 1km run. I did it individually (you could have a team of three if you wanted. None in Southport did!) and came second last.
When I was still out doing my board the person on the loud speaker called up the U13’s (I’m U12) so when I came back from my run they were all there waiting for the last girl to finish and as I went through, they all clapped!! Then Paul (who was directing people were to go and is Southport’s sprint coach) said as I went past “High 5!” so as I went past I gave him one. And Leuch came running up and congratulated me ands so did Rob (Rob’s my age group manager and Leuch is the assistant) Later I spewed up my breakfast though, I think it was the seawater!!
Then the day after that was a carnival at the same place! But out in the water there were sea lice, which are little creatures, that bite and boy oh boy do they sting! Also jellyfish!! And the way the waves were rolling in if you caught one on a board or while you were swimming you’d bus the board and scratch yourself. One girl had marks all over her face!! So our Gluie (our head couch), Bones (our chief instructor) and Sharon (our president) got together and went up to the guy running it and said “Southport’s going home!” The guys who ran it were even thinking of cancelling it anyway but I don’t think they did!! And anyway the only event left was swim because all the others had been cancelled!!
Then on the second day of school in the first ½ hour Megan managed to break her nose by running into the side of a kid's head during P.E!!
The school rang Mum who rang my best friend’s mum Libby because they had to have someone in the back seat to keep poor Megan awake!! So they spent most of the day in the hospital while I was at school not knowing a thing!
I didn’t find until Tony (Felise's dad) came to pick us and he said “You’re mum’s spent most of the day in hospital with Megan,” Then we kept guessing what Megan had done when Felise said “Her nose?” and Tony replied, “Yes,”
On the 2nd Megan saw a specialist who booked Megan in for Wednesday 14th!!! Valentine’s Day!! They will straighten her nose but they think she’ll need one when she gets older because they thinks she’s broken the bit in between her nostrils!
She had the op and now she got this nosepiece over her nose and she can’t run around for a long time and she can’t play netball!
And while we’re on the topic of injuries here’s another! Dad fell of his bike when racing on the bike track during the holidays! So he wasn’t allowed to ride for a week or two afterwards! Mum was just thinking our family had had our fair share of injuries when Dad comes home today from his state titles at the track and we find out that he fell off again because he was going to fast!!! I’m beginning to think Mum is right! We’ve had our fair share of injuries!!
Last Sunday was a carnival at Normanville. I did every event including Marchpast that came 2nd!! In the swim I came 18th and in the sprints I got to the semi finals (the only one out of boys and girls in my age group from Southport), which I came 8th in, which means I dropped out! In boards I came 2nd last and in flags I came last because I stumbled at the beginning. And in the iron person (only one from Southport out of my age group to do it, girls and boys) I came second last. It was one of my best carnivals!!
Tomorrow is another carnival. The last one before the states on 17th and 18th of March!
The Junior Surf Lifesaving State Titles was last weekend and the club came 7th overall!! We won the trophy for the most improved club because last year we came 10th with 44 points and this year 7th with 102 points!!!!
Our age group got no medals but a lot of fourths. People in the club call Southport, Southfourth cos we seem to get more 4th than anything else!! So surf life saving is over until October. I’m free 2 weeknights and all weekend!! It’s awesome.
Now to netball.
Today was the first of the finals and we won, so we're straight into the grand final!!! It’s great. We don’t have to play next week. The score was 30-14.
Now school.
I’m applying for the SHIP program (students with high intellectual potential) which means if I get in I’ll have to move schools next year and leave all my friends behind. It would be terrible but worth it from what I hear about the SHIP program.
We got back our reports and I did pretty good. Overall I got A’s in English, Drama, L.O.T.E. (Japanese), S.O.S.E and Maths with B’s in Science and Technology (woodwork this term).
We had the grand final and we lost. We totally lost the whole plot in 3rd quarter. We got it back together 2 minutes from the end of 4th quarter and took the score from a 7 point difference to a 3 point difference!!! The overall score was 21-24.
Also I’m trying out for the district netball team, which Mum and I are pretty sure I’ll get in! If I do I get to go to Yorke Town for the whole of week 5
I did the SHIP program test and we get the results back week 3. It’s ages away!! If I get in I get a letter for Mum to ring up to arrange the time of my interview and I have to wait till the interview to find out my results. If I don’t get an interview I get my results back and that’s it.
Well that’s all of my news for now.

Nicole Young!



