The Animorphs. A group of four normal kids, a kid trapped as a bird and one kid Andalite. Six kids against a whole race of parasites called Yeerks who have faster than light space travel, millions of controllers (some very nasty ones) and dangerous weapons like Dracon beams and shredders. Not much going for the Animorphs is there? Wrong. They can change into any animal they want. Hawks, Gorillas, Lions, Lizards, Flies, anything! Just one catch. Two hours is the limit (Just ask Tobias). Stay in a morph for more than two hours and you're stuck in that morph forever.

The morphing power was given to them by an Andalite prince called Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul who a few minutes after giving the youths the new and strange technology was killed or rather eaten by Visser 3, the only Yeerk to ever have an Andalite body as a host. The youths, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel and Tobias were given their power through a blue morphing cube or as the kids referred to it 'the blue box.' Afterwards it was lost and then recovered before hidden in a safe place.

Here's the full story.

Jake and Marco had been playing video games at the mall but soon ran out of quarters. They headed home and ran in Tobias who asked whether he could walk with them. Tobias was new in the area but considered Jake as a friend. They'd met when Tobias had, had his head in a toilet thanks to some bullies. Jake had got rid of them for Tobias. Jake and Marco said sure and they continued walking. After a while they ran into Rachel and Cassie. The boys offered to walk with them and although Rachel teased Jake and protested, Cassie said fine. Now they could either go the long way around the construction site, the safe way, or take the short cut through the construction site, the dangerous way. Naturally they chose the short but dangerous way.

They walked through it and suddenly they heard something and looked up and there was a really weird spacecraft of some description. It landed and a creature (a cross between a blue deer, human and scorpion) came out but not after they had all said they wouldn't hurt him and discovered the alien didn't talk normally, but through his thoughts. When he came out he stumbled and fell and they discovered that he had a huge burn down his side. After trying to help him Elfangor sent Jake to get the blue box and gave them the power. He also explained that they were being invaded and he explained who they were being invaded by and why.

All of them watching the spacecraft fly near them. They were scared but no one ran.

Then they heard another spacecraft. Elfangor ordered them to rush and hide despite the protests. Tobias was the last by Elfangor's side. Later Tobias said Elfangor had given him many images to do with the Yeerks. Also Elfangor knew Tobias' name. It was later that they found out that Elfangor was in fact Tobias' father.

Back to the spacecraft. 

The spacecraft landed and Hork-Bajir (or Salad Shooters as Marco called them), humans and Taxxons (or big giant dirty worms which was pretty much what they were) came out before another Andalite appeared. But there was something different about this one. It gave off an evil feeling. He thought spoke so every one could hear as this was a great accomplishment for him. All this time Elfangor was telling the youths to stay hiding, explaining what the strange creatures were, who the Andalite was and even helped them with having courage. In the end Visser 3 (that's who the other Andalite turned out to be) morphed some hideous creature and ate Elfangor but not without Elfangor fighting. Before he died he hit the Visser and his ship sent a shot at Visser 3's ship. After that Elfangor's ship was burned. As Elfangor was being eaten Jake jumped up and yelled "NO" so they all had to run. Jake fell and only just made it.

From that night on they have been the Animorphs. They all practiced morphing, went on missions and found out bad things. That Tom was a Controller, that Marco's mum, Eva who was supposed to be dead was the host body for Visser 1 and many others. They also made their share of mistakes like making David an Animorph or going to Jake's house to rescue his parents (they were newly made Controllers). But they got out alive each time. 

Now the basic introductions. (For more detail go to the Characters)

Jake: Jake is basically the leader. He's responsible and rather serious but knows when to laugh. He's the type you automatically look to when you're in trouble and he comes up with an answer. He's also smart. He's cute in a strong big type of way. He has brown hair, dark, dark eyes and loves playing video games or shooting hoops with Marco.   

Marco: Marco is Jake's best friend and a joker. He's also a complainer and very sarcastic. He reckons they should drop the lot and live til they're old enough to drive and he's always the one who sees the security problems. He also can see the ruthless line from point A to point B. He's kinda cute with long brown hair and amazing eyelashes. 

Cassie: Cassie is average height and weight, black skin and short brown hair. She doesn't care about clothes but if you want to know about animals, go see Cassie. She lives on a farm and both her parents are vets. Also her barn is called the Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic in which they help injured animals. They also have a number of their own animals.

Rachel: Rachel is the kind of person who lets nothing and nobody intimidate her. She's really strong and really pretty with long blonde hair and blue eyes and she's really tall. Most people would think she's another wimpy airhead but she's not. She's got tons of courage and attitude and she uses it. She's the only one who seems to enjoy the fight. She also loves fashion and shopping. The mall is her natural habitat. 

Tobias: Tobias is the group's lost soul. He's a human trapped as a hawk, but he's also part Andalite. His father was Ax's brother and the Andalite who gave them the morphing power in the first place, Elfangor. He eats and lives like a hawk, killing mice and shrews and living in a tree in a meadow. When he was a human he lived a messed up life being moved back and forth between uncles and aunts who practically ignored him because his so called father was dead and his mother had disappeared. When Tobias disappeared from his life as a human, neither of his guardians bothered to look for him or anything.

Ax: Ax is an Andalite. His real name is Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill and he's Elfangor's brother and Tobias' uncle. He had a hard time adjusting to Earth but has now accepted the fact that the humans are all he's got now and has become to enjoy his strange experiences on Earth.

So that's the Animorphs. They (the humans) were thirteen years old when it all started and when it all ended three long years later they were sixteen. Five kids living in a world of danger and a world of fear. Never knowing of they'd live to the next mission or the next day. Never knowing who's a Controller and who's not. Never trusting anyone at all but the group. Using friends to get information. Always making up lies to go on missions. Trying to live a normal life outside the missions. Going to school, doing homework, doing their various sports and somehow not telling any Controllers. Pretty tough for a teenager. They all thought middle school years were meant to be hard but this was a bit much. They often wished they could quit but after having a taste of what it would be like if they did quit they decided they had to continue fighting and amazingly they all stuck together. They even broke up a few times or someone would disagree with the mission and not go, but each time they all got back together for the same reason, to fight for their freedom.  


This is all of them apart from Tobias. Also Erek a Chee is with them. They are for once just hanging out and having a good time.




Intro: The Beginning


The Characters

The Books

The Television Show

Photo Gallery


Outro: The Final Battle

The End