MODERATOR: Today we are interviewing Christopher Ralph who plays "Tobias" on Animorphs TV. Welcome Christopher, your first question is, are you like Tobias in real life?
CHRISTOPHER: Yes - a lot of it comes from real life experiences. Certain aspects for sure - I can't fly though!
Q: How did it feel to learn that you are Ax's nephew?
CHRISTOPHER: Odd, cause someone you think is a friend is also a family member and also - he's an alien! Discovering the new part of their relationship brought them together.
Q: What morphs will you be using in Animorphs Season II?
CHRISTOPHER: I'm pretty faithful to the hawk.
Q: Christopher do you have a girlfriend and what's your horoscope sign?
CHRISTOPHER: I'm a Taurus and at the moment, I do have a girlfriend. She's a Leo.
Q: In the show do you return to human form forever?
CHRISTOPHER: Well, I can't really answer that - you'll have to tune in and see!
Q: Do you ever read the Animorph books, like to get a better idea of the character you play?
CHRISTOPHER: Yes, I've read a lot of the books. There's a lot of helpful info in them and it helps all of us play the characters better.
Q: Have you done any other T.V. or movie roles?
CHRISTOPHER: Yes. I worked on a show called Dear America and I had a small part in a movie called Gossip.
Q: What's it like working with the Andalites?
CHRISTOPHER: It's fun - those animatronics are very cool. They look very life like. It's better when they are actually there instead of when you add special effects later.
Q: Christopher, can you explain a few things that will happen with you and Rachel?
CHRISTOPHER: I can't really say but, we definitely have a great friendship and...
Q: Do you think you'll like Season II better than season I?
CHRISTOPHER: Not better - they're all good shows. This season is pretty exciting though!!
Q: What animal would you want to morph into if you were an Animorph?
CHRISTOPHER: Some kind of bird - like Tobias. Flying is the coolest thing. Everyone wants to fly like superman.
Q: What's your favorite band?
Q: Where are you from?
CHRISTOPHER: St. John's Newfoundland, Canada
Q: Do you ever watch yourself when the show comes on?
CHRISTOPHER: Not a whole lot. I don't really like to watch myself on T.V. - I think I look kind of goofy. But I enjoy the show!
Q: Chris-How does it feel to have numerous fan clubs, thousands of fans, and be in the spotlight?
CHRISTOPHER: It's certainly flattering, but I don't think about it too much you don't want to let your head get too big!
Q: What's your favorite food?
CHRISTOPHER: I like breakfast - bacon and eggs. I like Chinese food, Thai food, cheeseburgers - those are good too!
Q: If you had the choice to be an Animorph, would you decide to be one???
CHRISTOPHER: Of course! To turn into an animal! You could fly to school! And if the world was under attack, you could help! Of course I would - who wouldn't!?
Q: What would you do if you found out there are aliens like Yeerks here on Earth???
CHRISTOPHER: I'd like to be able to say that I'd be like Will Smith and save the earth - but I'd probably be freaked out! I'd probably call the Men in Black!
Q: What is your favorite episode?
CHRISTOPHER: I'll probably pick one that I'm in...The episode when I meet a secret group!
Q: Have you ever messed up when you were learning your lines?
CHRISTOPHER: Oh Yeah! Everybody has. Sometimes it's tough and you just don't have enough time!
Q: What do you like to do off the set?
CHRISTOPHER: I watch a lot of movies. A lot! I like to read and well.. nothing too special! Go out, hang out, be out with friends.
Q: What is the strangest thing about making the show?
CHRISTOPHER: Working in front of the "green screen" - the special effects that aren't there while we're filming. It's hard to act with something that's not there!
Q: Who's your favorite actress?
CHRISTOPHER: Meryl Streep is probably the best actor on earth. She's phenomenal. I like Angelina Jolie too.
Q: Do you have a favorite book?
CHRISTOPHER: I've got a couple - the most recent is called The Beach - they just
made the movie, but the book is really really good
Q: Chris is it hard remembering all those lines?
CHRISTOPHER: Yes. It is hard.
Q: Are the rest of the Animorphs really your best friends?
CHRISTOPHER: We're all friends - we had a great time on the show and we see each other now from time to time.
Q: Have you ever visited your fan sites on the Web?
CHRISTOPHER: I actually did once when I was filming the shows. They're very flattering.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
CHRISTOPHER: I do - one younger brother - 21 months younger
Q: Have you ever been on a really great vacation?
CHRISTOPHER: When I was 8 years old I went to Santa's Village in New Hampshire and it was great! They had a great log ride that I remember..
Q: Are you afraid of any of the animals that you work with? We'll keep it secret!
CHRISTOPHER: It was kind of spooky being around the lions and tigers. You've gotta have respect when you're staring in the eyes of a tiger!
Q: How do you like these chats?
CHRISTOPHER: They're a little weird because I don't get to talk to everyone. But it's great to know what the fans are wondering about!
Q: Would you date a fan?
CHRISTOPHER: Well - I've got a girlfriend so I can't even think about it!
Q: Do you have a special valentine?
CHRISTOPHER: Yes. We went to a basketball game!
Q: Do you get recognized at malls and stuff?
CHRISTOPHER: No, not really - a couple of times I've been recognized...Once at the gym. I think I look different in real life...
Q: If you lived in the USA what state would you live in?
CHRISTOPHER: Oh I don't know - probably New York or LA. LA first so that I could see Marlon Brando's house! And then I'd go back to Santa's Village in New Hampshire!
Q: Do Boris and Shawn have girlfriends, my sister wants to know.
CHRISTOPHER: I really don't know!
Q: How's your cat, Pepper, doing?
CHRISTOPHER: She's doing great. She's very happy watching the birds out the window all day.
Q: Do you play any instruments?
CHRISTOPHER: Nope - I'm a big music lover, but I don't actually play.
Q: Did you learn anything about animals from being on the show?
CHRISTOPHER: I learned some things about the hawk-- when you approach it you have to make sure he sees you or he'll be startled. It's very interesting to be up close to those animals that I never would be close to otherwise.
Q: How long does it take to shoot an episode?
CHRISTOPHER: A half hour episode takes a week and that's only the filming. The it goes into editing and special effects and all that...
Q: How long have you been acting?
CHRISTOPHER: Since I was about 15.
Q: Where is the show being shot?
Q: If you had a chance to morph into a Hork-Bajir, would you do it?
CHRISTOPHER: No I wouldn't - they're so ugly and they seem kind of mean!
Q: What was your favorite subject in school?
CHRISTOPHER: Recess. No, really - English, creative writing, drama... I was never really good at math.
Q: What did you think when you first saw yourself "morph"?
CHRISTOPHER: I was amazed! It looks great! I couldn't believe my eyes!
CHRISTOPHER: Thanks everyone for writing in!! If you're ever in Santa' Village... think of me!
MODERATOR: Thanks very much, Christopher.
Christopher Ralph (Tobias) Interview
Shawn Ashmore (Jake) and Brooke Nevin (Rachel) Interview
Boris Cabrera (Marco), Christopher Ralph (Tobias) and Nadia Nascimento (Cassie) Interview