Name: Brooke Candice Nevin

Plays: Rachel

Birthday:  22nd December, 1982

Born and Brought Up: Toronto in Canada

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Brown

Parents:  Dad Bob, a retired hockey player, and Mum, Nicky.

Siblings: Sister Kaleigh Cassandra.

Instruments Played: Piano.

Hobbies: Dancing and Singing.


TV Shows: Inside Edition, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Candid Camera and Dawson's Creek. 

Colour: Red.

Foods: Chinese food and salads.

Drink: Orange juice.

Sports: Soccer. volleyball, rollerblading, down hill skiing and biking.

Board Game: Monopoly.

Interesting Fact: Brooke has won many awards at public speaking contests.

Message/Advice For You: "Find something that you're really interested in and like, do some research about it and then jump into it".

For more info on Brooke read 'Meet The Stars Of Animorphs'.





Jake - Shawn Ashmore

Marco - Boris Cabrera

Cassie - Nadia Nascimento

Rachel - Brooke Nevin

Tobias - Christopher Ralph

Ax - Paulo Constanzo



The Cast




Intro: The Beginning


The Characters

The Books

The Television Show

Photo Gallery


Outro: The Final Battle

The End