Name: Brooke Candice Nevin
Plays: Rachel
Birthday: 22nd December, 1982
Born and Brought Up: Toronto in Canada
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Parents: Dad Bob, a retired hockey player, and Mum, Nicky.
Siblings: Sister Kaleigh Cassandra.
Instruments Played: Piano.
Hobbies: Dancing and Singing.
TV Shows: Inside Edition, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Candid Camera and Dawson's Creek.
Colour: Red.
Foods: Chinese food and salads.
Drink: Orange juice.
Sports: Soccer. volleyball, rollerblading, down hill skiing and biking.
Board Game: Monopoly.
Interesting Fact: Brooke has won many awards at public speaking contests.
Message/Advice For You: "Find something that you're really interested in and like, do some research about it and then jump into it".
For more info on Brooke read 'Meet The Stars Of Animorphs'.