Jake is the leader of the Animorphs. He wasn't elected but everyone just turned to him when they got into trouble and since the first mission he has been the leader. His personality is the strong leader type but he doesn't push himself forward. He is a pretty serious guy but knows when to laugh. He is quite cute with serious brown eyes, brown hair and a slow serious smile. His attitude towards things is usually take charge if needed and take the responsibility or the blame.
His nicknames are 'Prince Jake' and 'Fearless Leader'. He's called Prince Jake by Ax because by Andalite customs all Andalites must have a Prince and Jake is Ax's. Fearless Leader comes from the fact that Jake never (or very rarely) shows that he's afraid pretty much no matter what. That's one of the reason's he's such a good leader.
His family is just his Mum, Jean, who's a writer, his Dad, Steve, who's a doctor and his brother Tom who's a few years older than Jake. Pretty normal right? Wrong. His brother is a human-controller, in other words he has a Yeerk in his head. Unfortunately the Yeerk is a pretty powerful one and Jake always has to be careful. Also close to the end his parents get taken and are made into Controllers as well. His cousin Rachel another member of the Animorphs.
As I mentioned before Jake knows how to laugh, he has to as his best friend is and has been since they were in nappies (practically) is Marco, the joker of the team. His girlfriend is Cassie, the quiet, serious, animal crazy one or as Marco would say the tree hugging animal nut.
His hobbies, when he has time in between keeping up with school and saving the world, are playing video games by himself or with Marco, hanging out with his friends and playing sport, especially basketball.
His battle morph or specialty morph is the Siberian tiger. I think it could also qualify as his favourite morph. Another favourite morph is his peregrine falcon morph because of how fast it can travel (especially in dives). His least favourites would include termites, ants, cockroaches and lizards. When he was a lizard he lost his tail, when he was a cockroach he got stepped on and when he was a fly he got squashed against the roof of and\ airplane and almost died. The ant and termite where bad experiences for the whole team.
He was also the only Animorph to ever get infested. He accidentally fell into a Yeerk pool. The other Animorphs noticed he was different and held him for three days to starve the Yeerk out of his head but it was a part of his life he will never forget. He will never forget the Yeerks memories which were transferred to him when the Yeerk died.
His goals in life include becoming a Navy pilot, M.D., probably marrying Cassie and getting his brother freed from being a controller.